They did one for Skyler that I think turned out very well, and I wanted to share it will all of you.
Let me describe the people in the video so you know who they are:
- First person is Kathy, my wife and Skyler's mom.
- Next guy with short black hair and soul patch is his speech therapist/technology guy, Brian.
- Next person is Mindy, his Physical therapist with the long black hair.
- Then comes Jenni, in the green top, who is his music therapist.
- The guy with the glasses sitting in the office is Kevin, our old grade school principle and friend.
- The guy up on the roof is Tom Mustin, the morning anchor for the CBS affiliate channel 4 news.
- The guy with the ball-cap is Lonnie, his boss at Bayaud Industry
- Of course Sky Dad makes an appearance or two...